Georgia Muslim Voter Project’s Statement for Palestine

October 19, 2023

Georgia Muslim Voter Project (GAMVP) reaffirms our unwavering support for the people of Palestine and our Palestinian communities in Georgia. We know that our communities are shaken, alarmed, and hurt to witness the ongoing years of brutal occupation and apartheid in Palestine. At this particular moment, Palestinians, especially those in Gaza, are being indiscriminately massacred by the state of Israel.

We stand in solidarity with Palestinians across the occupied territories, who have witnessed displacement, death, and destruction over 75 years. We call on our leaders to do the same. All those who claim to lead with integrity - in Atlanta, in Georgia, in Washington, D.C. - should oppose ethnic cleansing, indiscriminate violence against any population, especially those in Gaza who are confined and living completely under siege without access to foreign humanitarian aid, electricity, water, and safe passage. We call on our leaders to support the right for all to be safe from violence.

We call on all leaders – elected officials and those in the media – to understand the impacts of their silence and their words. Willful silence and disinformation across media outlets misrepresenting the Palestinian perspective, experience, and plight only leads to an increase in violence against Palestinian and Muslim communities across the globe–including in the U.S. We will continue to reject these harmful narratives and commit to sharing information and resources to help keep our communities safe.

We know there is a long road ahead for our communities to feel justice and equity - to feel safe - here and abroad, but until that day comes we will keep fighting towards it. We encourage Georgia Muslim communities and allies to take action and contact their representatives to encourage them to call for a ceasefire, to allow aid into Gaza, and to end the occupation.

To contact your Senators and Representatives, visit Fill out the form and click “call me,” to receive a call connecting you to their respective offices. If you are unsure what you want to say, there are scripts on the website to help you navigate the conversation.

You can also take action by donating to one of these fundraisers:

Palestinian Children’s Relief Fund:

Palestinian Feminist Collective & Middle East Children’s Alliance:



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