Policy Insights

GAMVP’s home for bill tracking, calls to action, and legislative updates.

The 2025 Georgia Legislative Session Begins on January 13, 2025.

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This Week’s Tl;DR

Moments from Muslim Advocacy Day

GAMVP is committed to advancing policies that make voting more accessible and protecting the voting rights of BAMEMSA (Black, Arab, Middle Eastern, Muslim, South Asian) communities statewide. 

  • Position: Oppose 

    Summary: This bill aims to add District Attorney and Solicitor Generals to nonpartisan elections which take place earlier in the year. Historically there has been less voter turnout with nonpartisan elections. 

  • Position: Oppose 

    Summary: This bill aims to add County Governing Authorities to nonpartisan elections which take place earlier in the year. Historically there has been less voter turnout with nonpartisan elections. 

  • Position: Oppose 

    Summary: This bill aims to prohibit the use of ranked-choice voting; to provide for certain exceptions; to provide for a definition; to provide for related matters; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.

    Updates: Passed out of the Senate and is now headed to the House 

  • Position: Support 

    Summary: Gives certain individuals preferential treatment during voting hours, e.g. allowing them to move to the front of the line

    Updates: Passed out of House committee, headed to floor vote soon

  • Position: Oppose 

    Summary: Allows counties to opt into Saturday voting

    Updates: Passed out of House committee, headed to floor vote soon

GAMVP is committed to advancing immigrant rights because we believe that every individual, regardless of their background or language preference, deserves the opportunity to thrive and contribute to their community. 

  • Position: Oppose

    Summary: Local law enforcement no longer have the option to decline cooperation with ICE requests. Local governments, officials, and employees can be sued if they adopt or enforce sanctuary city policies that violate this bill provisions. Failure to comply with these requests exposes local government and officials to lawsuits. In short, this bill makes ICE Detainer requests mandatory.

    Learn More: passed the Senate and is now in the House Public Safety and Homeland Security

  • Position: Oppose 

    Summary: Requires the collection of DNA samples from detained individuals facing criminal charges who are subject to immigration detainer notices. 

    Updates: Passed out of Senate, headed to floor vote soon.

  • Position: Oppose 

    Summary: This bill aims to add a Georgia residency requirement for students to be eligible for the Dual enrollment program. This bill would likely amplify the already-existing systemic barriers for marginalized communities. It's a step away from creating an equitable education system. These students not only deserve access to the same opportunities as their peers but also the opportunity to make a return on the investment already made in their (K-12) education by maximizing their potential to contribute to Georgia’s economy.

GAMVP is dedicated to openly discussing, supporting and advocating for social movements that advance justice, equity, and overall fundamental rights of individuals and communities.

  • Position: Oppose 

    Summary: Voters, citizens, and policymakers of Georgia are entitled to transparency in the political and propaganda activities of organizations that may be controlled by or under the influence of foreign countries hostile to the interests of the United States and the State of Georgia. 

    Updates: Passed out of Senate floor, going to House 

  • Position: Oppose

    Summary: Prohibits students who are convicted of criminal offenses from receiving loans, grants, and scholarships funded by the state

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GAMVP is committed to expanding and protecting religious freedom for Muslim and other faith communities, ensuring that individuals can practice their faith without fear of discrimination or restriction. 

  • Position: Oppose

    Summary: The GA Religious Freedom Restoration Act. This bill could open the state of Georgia to legal chaos and frivolous lawsuits. RFRA could create a broad license to discriminate on the basis of faith with no necessary protections against discrimination on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, and country of origin. 

    Update: Passed out of Senate committee, headed to floor vote soon

  • Policy Analysis Coming Soon